Term of service

These Terms of Service are provided by QR scanner&PDF reader to all users who use our products and services. Before using our products, you must first agree to our Terms of Service and comply with its binding content. If you do not agree to our Terms of Service, you will have no right to use our products and services

The relevant rules you need to follow

1. Cheating and decompiling our products

2. Spread pornography, obscenity, etc

3. Using viruses and other harmful substances to our products and services

4. Use our products and services to conduct any business activities

5. Intentionally defaming and attacking our products and services

Changes to Service Terms

We reserve the right to change our service terms, but we may not notify you separately. If our service terms are changed, you need to agree to our new terms before continuing to use our products and services. Otherwise, you will not be entitled to use our products and services


1. Our product services are based on software technology to provide users with corresponding services, but technical services are not completely without any loopholes. We will strive to improve the quality of our product services, enhance our technical capabilities, and provide better services to users. However, we do not guarantee that our product services are completely error free and vulnerability free, such as service pauses caused by technical maintenance. We do not assume any responsibility for any impact caused to you. Please be informed

2. Due to uncontrollable factors, we are unable to continue providing services for you, and we do not assume any responsibility for this (such as accidents, natural disasters, etc.)

3. We are not responsible for any third-party link content. If you browse other third-party websites or links through our products and suffer any losses as a result, you agree that you will bear this responsibility on your own, and we do not bear any consequences of this behavior

4. We are not responsible for any third-party advertisements, and we may display personalized third-party advertisements to you. However, we have no control over third-party advertisements. When you click on third-party advertisements, it means that you need to comply with the policies related to third-party advertisements. If this causes any losses to you, we do not assume any responsibility for it

Service Termination

We reserve the right to terminate our services at any time. If any loss occurs to you due to the termination of our services, you indicate that you are responsible for this risk and we do not assume any related responsibility

Contact us

Please carefully read these service terms. If you have any questions, you can contact us through( [email protected] )Contact us and provide feedback to us